Universe is expanding ...... What!!! are u serious???
We've all heard the Big Bang (universe was created with a blast)... But does any one know that it is expanding.... Yes expanding !!!
If the universe was everything that is there , then how could it expand and into what???........ Wasnt the universe expanding into another part in itself... This is what is called steady state theory(God knows what it is...)
An indian astrophysicist J.V. Narlikar and British astronomer Fred Hoyle sure think so ... that universe is expanding...
I was reading an interview in Reader's Digest with J.V. Narlikar and he explained that the distance between two galaxies is increasing over time.... hehe that means that the aliens will take more time to reach the earth than normal :D.... Earth is safe for now!!! ;) ....
Speaking of aliens ... are we aliens??.. Many people (cosmologists) believe that long long long long long and so on :D... time ago a space ship arrived with it some aliens and decided to make earth their home and from that moment evolution began ..... (so can we blame them for global warming and green house gasses ... its normal human tendency to blame someone or something .. :D....)
Ok! Coming back to our topic.....It is presently considered that dark energy is responsible for the expansion of universe, but no one knows exactly what dark energy is, what it would look like or if it even exists.... This mysterious force was discovered in 1998. It is accelerating the cosmic expansion that is causing the galaxies to rush away faster and faster..... Wow seems like science fiction isnt it......
As this universe expands and there is more space , these galaxies will simply vanish from the view as if they have fallen into a black hole or something.
In like about 100 billion years the only galaxies we'll see in the sky are those that are bound by the gravitational force (Universal gravitational force that we soooo fondly studied during our college days :D....)..... 100 billion years ??? :| ...I wonder if humans will still exist or will cockroaches rule the earth.... :D....
Many great discoveries of yester years has been a laughing stock initially with the people... for eg. Newton's discovery of gravity etc etc... This discovery has also been ridiculed a lot... who knows it may even be true..... Steady state theory has been in constant debate with the Big Bang theory .... who'll win .. only time can tell...
Science is based on facts not fantasy... Yet it seems difficult to digest the fact that the universe is growing bigger and bigger... There are still many questions to be answered and many truths to be revealed.... Untill then we wait or make discoveries ourselves :D....
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