Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The hassles of software programming.....

Perhaps you wont get any idea about what this blog is about from the heading (I suggest u read the blog :D)....
Well this blog is about the troubles i took for a programming project in my final year of engineering....

When i got my final yr project in Siemens (thanks to a very very very close reference) , i was elated. I thought this year would be a nice one..... But later i came to know that what seemed to be a nice and easy project could be so tough at the end ......

My project - Designing and implementation of communication system in power system automation..... Phew!!!! Seems like a flashy project isnt it (Trust me guys names can be deceiving :D).......
Well lemme tell you there isnt anything flashy about it.... Many people had so much cooler project than i had , that i was kinda getting jealous of them, well this feelin had vanished at the end (ull find out why , just keep reading :D)..... With 3 of my other batch mates i started the project....

Our job - To find out as much information about communication systems as possible...... Little bit of copy - paste here and there, plus adding little information that siemens gave us and voila....... our first project report was ready for 7th semester........ Not to mention we had to go to Siemens every friday for a 1 hr study session.......

Now the real story begins............. In the 8th semester......
I always thought our project was done in the 7th semester itself..... Well i was in for a real treat (n little bit of trouble too)..... Siemens decided that they would give us a program to write, which was basically a simulation of an alarm system that would send SMSes ........

Our problem - No one knew anything about programming ....... I just knew little bit of Visual Basic (VB)...... I accepted it nonetheless.
So with whatever knowledge i had about VB i started the project...... I had created the basic outline for my project just by linking it to some databases (which was easy)..... But the question was how to send SMSes......
Well that was solved too....... Thanks too my bro i did get a sample code..... And began studying it..... But we were lacking on resources..... WE NEEDED A GOD DAMN MOBILE PHONE OR A GSM MODEM FOR OUR PROGRAM TO WORK!!!!!!!

Well what do you know that was the time i bought a new mobile phone for me (Nokia 6300) yayyyy.......... A vital utility for my project too.... I began sending SMSes through hyper terminal
Well it worked...... I began modifying the code as per my requirements..... I tested it ..... AND IT DIDNT WORK...... WAAAAHHHH...............

Well i got into action...... After endless searches and countless posts in many forums..... I still was at ground zero....... Why !!!!! I cursed , why the hell is it happening(only to me!!)...... I thought our program was over ...... What would Siemens think, if i came empty handed to them........

I tried and tried and tried many times .... still no result..... Will someone tell me how the hell should i send SMS...........
And ya did i mention i was using a USB port for my program........

After countless searches and posts in forums and endless arguments with myself...... I came to one conclusion its impossible to send the SMS with my program..........
But according to me there is nothing impossible in the programming world.......... With this thought i tried it for one more time..... Maybe it'll work............ I searched again... courtesy Google (again). Well this time in some corner of the internet, there was an article from my old friend Microsoft :D........
The problem with my program was i was using MSCOMM control to communicate with the com port and then the devices connected to it......... Well what do u know MSCOMM does not support USB , only serial port.....

After that the hunt began for a cable conversion from usb to serial ....... after many trips to lamington road i felt that this cable was not yet invented (hmmm I wonder whyyyy!!!!)....... Huh guess this isnt new thing any more...... Back to ground zero again..........

Now comes for a little emptying of pockets........ The last option for us was to get a GSM modem which has a serial interface...... And we got it..... (The company sponsored us for that.... God bless those people) ............ Now the final task was to modify the code...... I did that ... BEEP!!! error in phone ..... again ..... BEEP!!!! No answer from phone..... again ....again.... again..... (isnt it getting tiring now, arrggghh!!!)..... one last time again ..... beep beep ( message tone of my phone )..... Waaaahoooooo It is working.......

Finally after many hassles (approximately 4-5 weeks of continuous programming, searching and posting) my program worked...... It worked like a charm....... THANK YOU GOD!!! I gave presentation to top bosses in Siemens about my program..... They were happy, I was happy and we all were happy....... hehe......

Hmmm ....This is what i concluded from my experience...... there are three types of programs:
  • One that works with 100% success
  • One that never works with 100% failure
  • And one that works at one time and fails during the other. I would give it a 50-50 chance.
I am happy now, that i converted my program form 100% failure to a 50-50 chance to a 100% success ..

This is a tip to all you programmers out there.... "Code karte jaaoo bug ki chinta mat karo" - meaning do your programming , dont worry about the bug......

Now my final presentation is left .... Told ya before, the report was a piece of cake.... All i am worried about is how my program will be perceived by the teachers in my college.... I hope they like it......

PHEW!!!!! END OF THE STORY.......... :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Its time to leave .... again......

It has been long since i have written any blog like this one, but wasnt getting the right stuff to blog on...... I dunno whether i would be able to put this in proper English, so sorry guys if my English is a little hazy....

Well this feeling of nostalgia isn't new to me.... I've made lots of friends in my life, but i havent been able to keep in touch with most of them, thanks to the frequent changes in my residence.....

And now its happening again......
When i came to this college called KJSIEIT, it looked as if there was a building in the middle of the jungle which had a long dusty path to reach it..... But now I'll be completing my course in engineering with just one examination to go, then there'll be no more bugging lectures, no more crappy assignments and tutorials to write and no more running around for submissions.......
But as I leave this college and look back and I think of these four years that have gone by.....

I wonder , I actually had fun in this place........
Also I am actually gonna miss this place , not for its assignments , tutorials , submission and obviously not for its lectures... But for the friends I've made.... My life in engineering would never be the same without these friends.......

The fun we had teasing the profs , eating canteen food (although it was crap) , the fulfilled trips we had.. pune , goa, matheran and most importantly asking friends for treat (mostly without any reason :D)......

I am sure every one of my friends would be thinking the same......
As each one of us are leaving this college to chase our own dreams and aspirations , I just have one thought in my mind.... These four years have been the most amazing of my life .... I wish I had a time machine so that i could look at these four years again and again (sadly no one has invented it :( )..........

I am really gonna miss you guys , each one of you...... I hope all your dreams and aspirations come true and achieve great success in life....... I for one am not gonna forget you guys , MY FRIENDS.....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spidey is back..............

Spider Man 3 banner

Finally the sequel to a much successful spiderman movies is coming.........
This time we'll have vilians like:
  1. The sand-man
  2. Venom
This time spidey is black, which inturn enhances his powers.Due to it Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be.

This is the next movie i am really eager to see, but sadly it will be released during engineering exams.... Thanx to mumbai university :(

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