Blogger tips...... Favicon
How to Insert a favicon?
Ok, now what's a favicon.........
Favicon (short for Favorites Icon) is a feature that makes it possible to associate a special logo or other small graphic with a web page.
Before that u need to first upload an image that u want as favicon onto an online image host..... Most do it on flickr , but u can upload it on google pages (it provides a 100 mb space) ....
Ok once these things are taken care of all u need to do is :
1. go to Dashboard > Template>Edit HTML
2. Place the following code just after <head> tag
<link href='URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>U need to replace the URL with the path of ur image.... Plus if its a gif then just replace image/jpg with image/gif
<link href='URL' rel='icon' type='image/JPG'/>
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